Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Washington Post puts "Romney as a Safe Choice"

In an article that came out today, Michael Gerson wrote that, Mitt Romney was a safe choice for risky times. In the article Gerson points out that Perry, "specific economic policies remain defiantly unspecific, but his rhetoric and intentions are ideologically ambitious." Perry has great intentions, but has no form of showing how these intentions will turn into plans of action. Romney on the other hand he states, "(Romney) refuses to hurl the accusation of “socialism.” Romney argues that an overbroad condemnation of Social Security would leave Republicans “obliterated as a party.” His own 59-point economic plan contains a “number of options”."
Lets all of us who support Mitt Romney, hope that in the end this statement makes true. Romney does have a plan of action, he does have the leadership skill that is needed to provide the end results we all hope to achieve. Mitt Romney, believes in America.

Monday, September 19, 2011

USA Today shows Results from most recent Poll

First things first. This is a great article on the percentages that Romney and Perry have in the polls. Interestingly to me is that the republican parties main goal is to beat President Obama in the 2012 presidential elections. This article shows that Perry is ahead of Romney in the polls, but that Romney is the one who when put up against Obama, can beat him in the polls. Hopefully in the end the republican party will see reason and find that in order to get President Obama out of office we have to vote for the candidate who can beat him.

Poll: Perry, Romney draw support from distinct groups

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WASHINGTON – Texas Gov. Rick Perry leads former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney for the Republican presidential nomination, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, in what is becoming a battle between the candidate who excites more Republicans and the one who shows stronger appeal among GOP-leaning independents.

  • Texas Gov. Rick Perry, right, and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney appear at the Republican presidential debate Sept. 12 in Tampa.

    By Mike Carlson, AP

    Texas Gov. Rick Perry, right, and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney appear at the Republican presidential debate Sept. 12 in Tampa.


By Mike Carlson, AP

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, right, and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney appear at the Republican presidential debate Sept. 12 in Tampa.

The survey, taken Thursday through Sunday, charts aGOP field that seems headed toward a showdown between Perry, with 31% backing, and Romney, at 24%.

The only other candidate scoring in double digits is Texas Rep. Ron Paul, at 13%. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, who seized GOP interest when she entered the race, has seen her support plummet to 5%. That puts her in a tie with former House speaker Newt Gingrich and businessman Herman Cain.

Veteran Republican strategist Ed Rollins, who recently resigned as Bachmann's campaign manager, says the results could signal "a drawn-out process" and extended primary fight between Perry and Romney, both of whom are likely to have ample money and other campaign resources.

But for Bachmann, he says, "The only way she can get back in this race is to somehow win Iowa," which holds the opening caucuses early next year.

Support for the two leading contenders is distinctly different:

• Perry is stronger among Republicans and independents who lean Republican, the voters who settle nominations. In a head-to-head race, 49% say they would vote for Perry, 39% for Romney.

• Romney does better among the swing voters who hold the key to most general elections. Among all registered voters, Romney slightly bests President Obama 49%-47%, while Perry lags behind the president, 45% to 50%.

Perry is also a more polarizing figure.

In the poll, 44% say they definitely would not vote for Perry; 35% say that of Romney. Looked at another way, 62% say would either definitely vote for Romney or consider doing so; 53% say that of Perry.

Perry has increased his standing a bit, compared with results from Gallup's daily poll in late August, but Romney has narrowed the gap between them. Then, Perry led Romney, 29%-17%. His 12-point margin is down to 7 points.

Bachmann was at 10% in that late-August survey and at 13% in early August, before Perry entered the race.

The Republican field is slated to meet Thursday for its third debate in three weeks, this time in Orlando. Also participating will be former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, at 2% in the poll, and former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, at 1%.

Romney has been making the electability argument against Perry, who dislodged the former Massachusetts governor as the leader in national polls. He argues that Perry's blunt views on Social Security's viability — the Texas governor calls it a "Ponzi scheme" for younger workers — and other issues will make it hard for him to win in November.

That may strike a chord with Republicans and Republican-leaning independents. In the poll, 53% say they would prefer the nominee with the best chance of beating Obama; 43% say they want the candidate who agrees with them on almost all issues.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mitt Romney and Bill O'Reilly

After the GOP debates Mitt Romney talks with Bill O'Reilly. I enjoyed this clip on the two of them talking and discussing certain point. Romney stayed classy the whole time and was able to answer questions about his opponents, specifically Rick Perry and President Obama, in a very courteous way. Watch the video below.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Romney WINS GOP debate

Romney Perry GOP debate CA - Mario Anzuoni : Reuters - banner.jpg

ABC news announced Romney as the winner of the GOP debate last night (September 7, 2011). The debate seemed to become a debate between Romney and Perry. Romney remained strong throughout the debate, while Perry was strong in the beginning and weakened in the end.

Romney did a good job at answering the questions with what he plans to do when he becomes president, and staying strong at defending his main points.

After the GOP debates last night (September 7, 2011) The gallop poll came out with new results. Perry strongly favored at 73% and Romney strongly favored at 71%.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Romney'a Jobs Plan

On Tuesday September 6, 2011, Mitt Romney gave a speech detailing his plans for creating jobs and growth for America, if and when he becomes President.

To view his whole speech go to

Romney spoke about many things that he is going to do his first day in office. His goal: RESTORE AMERICA TO THE PATH OF ROBUST ECONOMIC GROWTH NECESSARY TO CREATE JOBS.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Romney "POLLING" ahead

Two news articles came out today, explaining Romney to be the better competitor against President Obama in the 2012 elections.

Mitt Romney winning the economic debate

Barack Obama is losing the economic argument to Mitt Romney, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday, finding voters trust the former Massachusetts governor more on the central issue of the 2012 campaign.

The margin is close: Forty-six percent of voters say they believe Romney “would do a better job on the economy,” while 42 percent choose Obama. Among independent voters, Romney leads by 12 points, 49 percent to 37 percent.

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Rick Perry is also close to Obama on the question of economic management. In a Perry-Obama face-off, 43 percent of voters say Obama would do a better job on the economy while 41 percent choose Perry. Perry leads on the economy among independent voters, 43 percent to 40 percent.

There’s at least one Republican who can’t come close to Obama on this score: Michele Bachmann, who earns the economic confidence of just 37 percent of voters. In a choice between Obama and Bachmann for economic leadership, 48 percent of voters choose Obama.

The Obama-Romney comparison strengthens the onetime Republican front-runner’s best case for himself as a general election candidate — that he’s the GOP candidate who can win the debate over how to create jobs. If Romney continues to own that category, despite Perry’s job-creation record in Texas, it could become his biggest asset in a primary.

Quinnipiac showed in a release earlier this week that Romney and Obama would tie in a general election match-up at 45 percent, while Obama would lead Perry by 3 points.

The backdrop for Quinnipiac’s 2012 data is a deepening economic gloom among voters. Nearly half — 49 percent — of voters now believe the economy is getting worse. Just 11 percent believe the economy is improving.

Seventy-six percent say the economy is in a recession and 68 percent say it is not starting to recover.

Poll: GOP Insiders Overwhelmingly Favor Romney

Republican "insiders" are wary of Rick Perry's ability to win, according to a survey by National Journal, picking Mitt Romney by a wide margin as the more electable candidate.

The poll, which regularly checks in with a pool of Republican and Democratic strategists, finds both parties in agreement that Romney is the superior candidate. Republicans think the GOP would be better off nominating him by a 69% to 31% margin. That number is even higher among Democratic insiders, 83% of whom see Romney as the better bet versus 17% for Perry.

Unnamed insiders from both parties cited questions about Perry's ability to win over independents given his resume as a hardline conservative, red-state governor. "Perry can fire up the base, but this election will be won in the middle, not on the fringes," one Republican said.

Given his recent appeals to the Tea Party, winning a poll of veteran Republican politicos may not be the most exciting achievement for Romney. And given that Perry is amassing a solid lead in national polls and surging in a number of early primary and caucus states, it may not be the most representative slice of GOP opinion either. A recent PPP poll of South Carolina, for example, showed Perry cleaning up not only with the conservative, Tea Party wing of the GOP,but with more moderate Republicans that should in theory be Romney's base.
